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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Deadly Skies

Okay, I'm jumping the gun a little.

Deadly Skies has not been accepted yet *crosses fingers*. I haven't even finished it to see if it could be published.  However, being the impatient person that I am, I couldn't stop myself from posting an unofficial excerpt. Please excuse the grammar errors you may find.

Unofficial Excerpt



  1. Oh dang, I love you :D Hahahahaha!!! o(^___^o)(o^___^)o
    I want to read this book so badly *sigh* It's going to be absolutely amazing.

    And another question since that link goes to your livejournal page. Which one are you using more frequently? Or are you posting everything you're posting over there also here on blogger? Just making sure I never miss any of your posts :D

  2. Hehehe. I totally suck when it comes to blogging. So, if I have something I cant figure out how to do here, then I make a link to take people to my LJ account (like posting excerpts). Other than then the links that can be found here, on my blog, my LJ pang is empty.

  3. What I want to know is when is deadly skies will be ralease I am at the end; f my rope waiting please please please trow me a bone give me a date so I can stop looking every day for the next book :-( :'(

  4. I was wondering the same thing as Maya, when will it be released? Can't wait!!

    1. Wahh! Sorry for my late reply. I sometimes forget to check to see if I have messages here ;q

      Due to some personal legal reasons, I stopped writing D Skies. However, now that my books are now protected I can continue. But even when I do finish the book, I do not know how long it would take before it is published :<

    2. That's really disappointing.
