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Please bare in mind that all stories listed may not make the cut. If that happens, I'll update which title(s) have been given the thumbs down. (´∩`。)

 (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜    (。⌒∇⌒)。 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

Dark Kings of Eternity Series

Book 2

Deadly Skies- The continuation of Jamie and Aidan's stor

Update: 4/15/13
Word count: 51,139

Book 3 

Deadly Protector- Asa & Ethan's story

Updated: 2/10/13
Word Count: 50,025 


Book 2 in the Eden's Manor Series

Untitled -Seth's story

I'd planned on submitting this story as a Valentine story, but... well, shit happened    (▼へ▼メ). Story needs to be rewritten, and I need to think of a new title. I'll spending more time on my other writing project, so as to when this story will be completed is a mystery.